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Writer's pictureJófreiðr Oakenhawk

How To Worship The Norse Gods And Goddesses Pt3.

Hello everyone, we're back and we're continuing our look at Norse Gods and Goddesses to worship everyday or when in times of needed guidance and assistance. Today we're going to look at a few of the deities that are associated with the seasons, celestial bodies, and forces of nature. Too many of people don't realize that there's a God or Goddess, and other magickal creatures in the Norse faith that can be useful when in need of help. These magical creatures are Giants, Elves, Dwarfs and many others. So lets get started...

Skadi- She is not only a Giantess(contrary to the belief that Giants/Giantesses are towering creatures, in the Norse world they're the same as normal humans.) but also considered a Goddess, was married to the sea God Njord who is father to Freyr and Freyja making her their Step-Mother. Skadi is also a seasonal Goddess of the Winter, as the picture of her above shows she is a huntress and is said to have invented Sking as a form of transport during the winter month in the snow covered lands she travels. Supposedly she is the reason for the name Scandinavia for the region we know is made up by Norway,Sweden,and Finland. She is especially important at the winter solstice for that is her day. Just keep in mind what hemisphere your in when the winter solstice happens. Northern happens in December and in the Southern it's in June.

Sol & Mani- They are a sister and brother that are the Sun Goddess and the Moon God. Sol or Sunna rules the day and pulled by a chariot as well as her brother guide Sun and Moon respectively through the sky one their runs. Behind the chariots they are chased by the wolves Skoll and Hati who until Ragnarok will finally overcome Sol and Mani to consume the Sun and Moon during the calamity Sunna's day is the Sunday and Mani's Monday. Sunna is also the seasonal Goddess of the Summer solstice which happens in June in the Northern hemisphere and December in the Southern hemisphere.

Dwarfs- The Dwarfs live in the relm of Svartalfheim, deep underground where they work and live as metalsmiths. The Dwarves have crafted the majority of objects and weapons for the AEsir and Vanir such as the might hammer Mjöllnir as well as his belt which double his already incredible strength, the chains Gleipnir that bind the wolf Fenrir which were made of impossible things to make the links, and Odin's spear Gungnir which is said to never miss what it's thrown at. They are very crafted people and mostly stay to themselves toiling away in the workshops and forges.

Elves- Elves are a curios lot, they are a bridge between humans and the Gods. They mostly come from or live in Alfheim which is a land where it's always early spring and the sun is always bright. Elves are normal human looking as us but, there's a drawback to interacting with humans. They bring disese to humans and Midgard when they interact with us. You can tell a Elf from a human because they have a luminese to them unlike humans and can easily converse with the Gods and nature. The Vanir God Frey/Freyr is lord of this land.

Giants-Most if all Giants/Giantess as previously mentioned are the same height as normal human beings, though there are the rare exceptions. Most Giants live or came from Jotunheim which is known as the Land of the Giants and the race is known as Jotun. Notable giants are Loki, Fenrir, Skadi, Hel, and Surt. Thor just happens to be half Jotun as his mother was the Giantess and Earth Goddess Jord. The AEsir and Vanir consider most Jotun to be a threat or entirely evil due to the part they play in the prophecy foretold of in Ragnorok which Fenrir, Hel, Surt, and Loki are a part of. Surt in particular will cause the death blow to Asgard.

That will have to do with this part of my ongoing blog series for now, please reach out to me with comments, questions, suggestions, or even reach me for a reading and other services I provide. Contact me here on this page or on the social medias linked on the main page.


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