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Writer's pictureJófreiðr Oakenhawk

How to worship the Norse Gods & Goddesses Pt.2

Back with another part of the series of what you need to know about the Norse Gods and Goddesses for your own personal worship in everyday life or in case of spell work and petitioning when need. We left off on the Gods and Goddesses you need to really pay attention to when worshiping and we'll continue where we left off. This will be a multi part series like I said so keep that in mind too. So, if I have yet to cover anything you're wanting to know feel free to contact me in the contact box on the main page if you have any questions pertaining to this series of blogs.

Forseti is the son of Baldr and he is know as the giver of law and justice. He can be used in legal cases and should be the one to petition if you have a court case where things can be turned in your favor. If you do any petition or spell work with him it's best to use Tyr with him as Tyr symbolizes justice as well. Use the colors of Red,Gold,and Silver candles or stones/crystals with working with


Frey or Freyr is the twin brother of Freyja and is the male aspects of his sister. He is the God of the Vanir that is associated with male fertility, rain, peace, as well as war and death. He also has a boar Gullinborsti that accompanies him like his sister who has Hildisvini. When working with Frey you should use gold stone crystals, carbuncle, opal or rose quartz, also use the rune Uruz since this represents the Vanir deities in general by either carving the rune into a candle or drawing it on a piece of paper(parchment paper is preferred) and placing under the candle safely. You can also use the runes Wunjo, Jera & Gebo with Frey if need be as well.

Bragi is the Aesir God of poetry and other artistic persuits such as written word and musical verse. He is also known to be the God of morals,magick,and knowledge. His wife Idun, is the keeper of the Golden Apples that give long life to the Aesir and Vanir. When when working with Bragi use carnelian and agate crystals, runes wise use Jera.

Idun is know as the rejuvenating Goddess since she is the keeper of the Golden Apples that revive and keep the Aesir and Vanir deities lifespan long and healthy. Use clear quartz or diamonds when workings with her and in some of the cases with most of the Norse deities use a white candle since some do not have any specific color associated with them.

For now, this is the end of part 2, there will be a few more parts to this subject and in time we'll complete this series and may have breaks in between if there's any other things on my mind suggested to be blogged on the meantime. So, I would love your feedback to this series or any of the blogs I have posted previously so I can get a good idea of subject matter you'd like disscused here in the blogs.


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