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How to worship the Norse Gods & Goddesses in a simple way.

Writer's picture: Jófreiðr OakenhawkJófreiðr Oakenhawk

Whether you follow the Aesir and Vanir everyday or are just starting out I'm going to go over simple way to worship a few of the more well known and some lesser known Gods and Goddesses you should consider working with to help you. I will also make a few suggestions as well from my experiences with my ways of practice along the way.

First off lets talk about the Gods and Goddess that are commonly worshiped everyday and their attributes. I will give a brief description of them and a few stones & crystals and color that associate with them if provided.

The main Gods and Goddesses most people know right off the bat are Odin, Thor, Frejya or Frigg (more on the Frejya/Frigg thing in a minute) and Loki. These are the usual and most commonly worshiped by Norse/Germanic Pagans also known as Heathens. With these Gods and Goddesses if you were to build an altar to them they're statues and artwork depicting them are quiet common at spiritual shops and online that cater to Heathen clients, though in some areas of the country or wherever you live there may or not be a strong Heathen following so you might need to seek like minded people out harder if you wanted to join a group of them. But, I'm focusing on individual worship today.

Odin (Woden) - The head God of the Aesir who like in Asgard where the World Tree Yggdrasil resides. Odin is known as the All-Father, giver of wisdom, poetry and death. He has two ravens, Hugin and Munin, which are associated with his thought and memory, also Odin enjoys the company of his two wolves Geri and Freki they're also know as the ravenous and the greedy one. Odin is a God who when not sending his ravens out to gain information on what's going on in the 9 realms goes and investigates on his own in disguise most often as not to attract attention to him. Odin has had many children and many wives in his time but, Frejya/Frigg has been his most constant companion throughout time. Colors usually associated with Odin is usually grey or a grayish blue due to the cloak he usually wares while wandering, his stones are Agate and Carnelian.

Thor- The one of many sons of Odin and one of the most powerful, Thor is known as the protector of the realm Midgard (Earth) and is God of Thunder & Lightning,Strength,and Male Fertility. He rides on a chariot pulled by two goats Tanngrisnir & Tanngnjóstr translated mean Teeth-barer and Teeth-Grinder and carries the hammer. He is married to the Goddess Sif and has 3 children and 1 step child from Sif. His colors are Red and his stone is Carnelian.

Freyja- The Vanir Goddess of Love,Female Fertility,Sex, and War, she is Odin's wife and head of the Valkyries. She is rides a chariot pulled by two large domestic cats and alongside a large wild boar accompanies her. She is also the Goddess who taught Odin and Loki the ways of Seidr. Her stones are Amber,Jade,Gold,and Emeralds.

Frigg- Many think Frigg and Freyja are the same person, just took a Aesir name and different

traits in ways. Frigg is the goddess of marriage, family, and motherhood. She is also known for being a seerstress but keeps her findings on people to herself as not to cause ones fate to become unbalanced. Her colors are White and Light Blue, stones associated with her are Diamonds,Clear Quartz, and Moonstone. Frigg is the only one of the deities that can sit on Odin's throne while he is away on a quest.

Loki- Loki is often referred to as the god of trickery and mischief, also is know as the "Father of Monsters" with the likes of Hel (Hela), Fenrir,and Jörmungandr who all play a pivotal role in the events of Ragnarok. He is a blood brother to Odin and friend to Thor. He is mostly associated with the color black and black stones such as Obsidian,Onyx, and Black Agate. He isn't exactly the boogie man or devil of the Norse either, he is the chaos to the order and without chaos there is no order.

Tyr- He is the God of War, also of Honor and Justice. He is also known as the Sky God, in some of the Germanic Tribes Tyr was the head God, not Odin. He is a son of Odin as well being younger to Thor in birth order. Tyr is know for his braveness in the example of placing his hand in the mouth of Fenrir to distract him while the other Gods bound the wolf in a chain made especially for Fenrir out of impossible things collected to make the chains to hold him. Tyr lost the hand due to the wolf's rage at being bound til the time of Ragnarok. His color is a Sky Blue and his stones are Grey Agate and Yellow Topaz.

I'm going to be breaking this particular blog into several parts since the subject is taking a lot of time to carry out and also I want to go over a lot but not all at once. So, with that in mind come back for this continued series of blogs for the rest of the information if interested.





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