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The false "Love & Light" narrative and how that effects true readers and believers!

Writer's picture: Jófreiðr OakenhawkJófreiðr Oakenhawk

To start off I'm just stating my own opinion and this is my take on things and an artical Ana Divina also wrote that reinforces my opinion as well. These people who act all innocent and enlightened are not to be fully trusted, especially after the experiences I've had with the believers in "Love & Light" and that alone. They honestly at least in the community I work in are underhanded and cutthroat when dealing with others who practice the mystic arts and healing arts, in my area they pretty much act like the Mafia in fact, if they don't like you or your path of faith you teach they do everything dark that they supposedly don't either do or outright believes exists to cause problems for you and your bushiness hence why I don't work for others because I'm done dealing with it. They claim to be "White" Witches and the like, but they will lie to your face and in turn teach you their way to doing things and say they're ethical when they're not at all. They are wolves in sheep's clothing, one minute they'll act like they're your friends and then go and steal clients,slander you, and leave curses at your shops doorsteps an the like. Publicly they denounce that there's no such thing as darkness or gray magick and privately cursing everything and everyone who doesn't fall into line with the cookie cutter "Love and Light" witchcraft. Ana Divina article says it all and here it is...........


False Light Narratives, Fake Spirituality - The New Hipster Trends

"Spirituality, awakening, consciousness, new age, enlightenment, ascension, high vibe, upgrades, woke AF, when I hear these terms now I have a mixture of emotions that surface. Anger at the delusion and fake healing this scene is inflicting on the vulnerable and wounded. Sickness at the lack of humanness the movement is herding people towards. Frustration at the fakery of a sacred path and the manipulation of true wisdom. And despair as I see fellow seekers blinded and chasing light like a hipster hit."

Quote by Anastasia at

📷📷JP Sears may do his thing for sarcastic effect but he is not far off from the new age reality these days.

This quote by Anastasia just about sums up how I have been feeling lately to be honest. I got into "spirituality" instead of the religious path that I grew up in because I myself needed healing, was in despair and needed guidance and didn't find the help that I needed with organized religion and councilors. What I found was a bunch of fake ass, love and light "light workers" leading people down false light narratives like half truths about twin flames, archangel theories, goddesses, witchcraft, Wicca ect. On the rare occasions I did take a class here and there, I came back with nothing but the feeling like I had been had by someone who was more interested in selling a class than actually empowering people and teaching actual truths they gained through their own experience. Most of the time it was just a few hours of listening to someone regurgitate a book they just read or internet content they had found. You could tell they were searching too.

Some teachers out here will even tell you that everything is a reflection of you and if something negative triggers you it's because you are not strong enough to just let it go and "flow like water". (Bruce Lee would roll over in his grave if he heard how he's been misquoted.) This is a mirror dimension AI Program that is meant to deceive you and keep you vulnerable. Some people are just ass holes and you need to get far the hell away from them! Its not your fault and you're not mirroring shit! Trust me!

My spiritual awakening started as a "conspiracy theorist" so when I would come across different ideas and doctrines (because that's what they are) it was always my nature to question it, research it and my scientific side always wanted to test things to see if they actually work. 90% of the things I tested did not in fact work.

The problem with new age false narratives is that they give you a false sense of security, they strengthen the already existing AI Programs in your mind, body and energetic field to keep you subjugated and keep you distracted from the truth. They keep you looking outside of yourself for healing, satisfaction and sound mental health. The truth being that you are a sovereign being and do not need to look outside of yourself to make things happen or learn spiritual things. You can ask for outside assistance and pay all the money you want but at the end of the day you are the one who makes things happen for yourself and verify that it works.

The truth is most guru's or so called spiritual masters in this new age industry are interested only in making money and not really helping people. They are grasping at straws (like anything from fairies, to goddesses, to ghost hunting and name it) trying to figure out how to make ends meet and feel good themselves in the process.

These spiritual teachers make it sound really easy to just vibrate higher and clear your chakras (which are AI overlays by the way but that's another blog), and ground yourself and even manifest every single intention you may wish under a full moon. I can say this because I myself believed all of this at first. I myself spent hours and hours meditating trying to "higher my frequency" to only feel like shit afterwords and sometimes worse. I myself played the game of clearing, cleansing, healing and balancing my chakras only to have to do it again the next day. I spent money on grounding stones and crystals to carry and wear and still could not get out of my own head and be present. I even went outside under the full moon and burned little pieces of paper with intentions on them trying to better my life to no avail.

It was all bullshit! Why? Because no one taught me that I was a sovereign being and that I was spirit in human form. That, I AM CREATOR GOD. If they taught people that they wouldn't make any money! I was too busy looking without for a savior and teacher when all along I was the savior and teacher. See, if you need to look without for these answers you will easily get suckered into the little game of going to pay hundreds of dollars for a class just to find out how to do something that is complete and utter bullshit! These spiritual teachers and guru's follow whats trendy or straight up copy other peoples ideas and content just to make a living. ... off of you! ...of of us! In these scenarios humanity as a whole looses. Something that is meant to free you is now perverted and desecrated with capitalism and industry.

Not only that, but now you have false information from "ascended masters" from Pleiades, Sirius, The Commander of The Galactic Federation of Light (the most popular and fully integrated AI Program in existence) or some temple in the ether no one can even get to or verify. These so called other worldly beings are now being "channeled" by money hungry, narcissistic, manipulators with great marketing skills who's goal is creating cults and followers world wide. Sometimes they even channel Jesus, The Holy Mother and other well known deities, goddesses etc just to have their 15 minutes of fame, have their huge egos stroked or make their quick buck. (There is a fine line between channeling possession by the way. Again that's another blog.) You walk away from these peoples classes, podcasts, blogs feeling energetically drained, pensive and sleepy sometimes and days later you wonder why you been feeling like shit the last couple of days. Its because you caught an energetic hook, attachment or entity in your energetic field from these sociopaths when you were vulnerable so they can keep siphoning your energy and you keep coming back for more.

These are just a few of things I could write about regarding false light new age narratives as this "new age industry" has gotten out of control with these narratives! Not really being a blog writer I wanted to take this time and attempt to write down my opinion about all of this! I was really inspired by work of Tracy and Jared of Area 1358, Tony Sayers and his work, Dr. Virtual and other pioneers in spreading the truth about false light narratives in the new age industry. They validated me without knowing and confirmed a lot of what my highest self was telling me about the new age indoctrination that is taking place.

Be careful out there! Don't get taken because you are vulnerable, lonely and you think your life sucks and are looking for answers. The proof is in the pudding. Do you walk away from new age information feeling empowered, healed and refreshed? Does it really work when you try it yourself? Does it require a lot of outside assistance and facilitation to work? Is it reasonably affordable to learn? Does the new age shop you just went into make you feel amazing, happy and full of light? If the answer is no it is fake! It's an illusion, its not based on reality. It's a false light narrative! Run! Save YOURSELF while there is still time.

I hope to write more on this topic in the future. This past year I have been working hard in the background developing my own ways of removing chakra overlays, AI Programs and harmful doctrines from my own energetic field. I hope to be helping others with all that I have learned so far from my own experience and practices. If you need any help or want to talk about any of this please feel free to email me at Please be safe and careful.

Know that you are sovereign af and your own creator god.

Blessings of hope and healing!

Ana Divina "

If you gut tells you to get out of that store or don't get services from someone because the vibe of dishonesty permeates from them in any way, keep looking for the right path and trustful person to learn from that fits you. Not the first place you go and they're flashy or promise sugarcoated lines of bull.

-Jofriedr Oakenhawk




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